5 day In Person

Silent Retreat

With Helle Laursen at 
Vrads Sande Ashram, Denmark

May 23 - 28, 2025

Join this 5 day in person silent retreat,  at Vrads Sande Ashram in the middle of Denmark. In the midst of vast protected nature area.

Vrads Sande is situated between towering pine forests, small prestine lakes and a protected heath landscape. It is 30 mins drive from Billund Airport, 50 km from Aarhus and 17 km from Silkeborg.


May 23  - May 28, 2025

Arrival Friday May 23rd between 4 - 6 pm. We'll end with lunch Wednesday May 28th

Max 12 participants

5 day in person Silent Retreat

This Silent Retreat offered by Helle Laursen are based on the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Program, as well as ancient wisdom practices from several traditions.

The retreats offer an opportunity to renew and deepen our practice within an environment supported by silence. Our attention will be on how we can build resilience and enhance our capacity to meet our challenges with equanimity, strength, and compassionate awareness.  This is important for our ability to hold a steady seat while teaching MSC. Special focus is on relational dynamics that are relevant for those wishing to teach MSC or have a helping profession.

If you wish to become an MSC teacher, this silent retreat is a prerequisite.

Price €825,-

Registration cost does not include the cost of accommodation and food.

From €125,- per night (shared room)

Extra for single room: €50,- per night

Max. 12 spots available

Your retreat leader Helle Laursen

  • Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher Trainer and supervisor
  • Founder of Nordic Compassion, has been teaching internationally for a near decade.
  • Her teaching style is grounded, light hearted and practical. 
  • Has a special emphazis on caregivers and difficult relations
  • Actively teaches LOMSC  for Center for Mindful Self-Compassion (USA), for Self-Compassion Academy (Holland) and 5P Medicine App (China), and offers daylong workshops on Caregiver Fatigue in Denmark where she lives.
  • Focused on how we can use Self-Compassion to meet our challenges in life, so that we can connect and support each other with more ease.

Questions? Reach out to Helle via email here

The How and Why

How Silent retreats?

We have a full schedule for the days. You will receive this a few weeks prior to the retreat. In general we will engage in full days of mindfulness and compassion meditation practices, including periods of sitting, walking, and gentle yoga.

There will be instructional and inspirational talks very day, as well as opportunities to meet with the teacher individually or in small groups to explore any questions that arise. There is also time set aside each day for self-care and for informal practices. There's plenty opportunities for walking in nature, so bring your walking boots, a wind breaker and your swimwear if you are ready for a dip in the local lakes.

When at Vrads Sande Ashram, please note the following:

  • Vrads Sande Ashram offers training in a meditation practice called Heartfulness. You'll be introduced to this meditation in the first day, and you are welcome to join their daily group meditations. Besides from this we will not use their offers, we are simply guests while using the premises. 
  • We'll have our own program that focuses primarily on Self-Compassion during the retreat.
  • There are others using the Ashram at the same time, and they are not in silence.
  • All meals are vegetarian and primarily made of fresh organic and local produce. We have one dedicated to our catering throughout the retreat.
  • Alcohol is not allowed
  • The organization is a humanitarian non profit, organized as an NGO under UN. Vrads Sande is run primarily by volunteers, and therefore the accomodation is cheap and you will be asked to help with the dishes in the kitchen during the stay.

Why Silent retreats

Silent retreats are designed to support participants in:

  • Nurturing a deeper and more embodied meditation practice
  • Expanding awareness and compassion for what it means to be a fully and sometimes messy human
  • Coping with the stresses and challenges of life
  • Embracing who we are and releasing harsh judgments, self-criticism, and shame
  • Opening to experiences of calmness, clarity, insight, kindness, acceptance, and love
  • Preparing oneself to teach and (especially important for teachers) allowing yourself to be a student of the practices

Prior experience needed for this silent retreat

To participate in this silent retreat, you need to have practice in meditation and self-compassion. Preferably as daily meditation practices. Your self-compassion knowledge needs to be practical, not only kognitive knowledge. It is recommended that you attend a full 9 weeks Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) program prior to this silent retreat.

Price €825,-

Registration cost does not include the cost of accommodation and food.

Cost of shared room: €125,- per night.

Extra for single room: €50,- per night

Max. 12 spots available

Practical information on accomodation

Accomodation is typically in shared rooms, that are called 'holiday appartments'. The rooms are simply furnished, and very functional. See images below.

There are limited availability on single rooms/ your own appartment, for the extra price of €50 per night, which is € 250 for the 5 day silent retreat.

Please bring your own linnen, sheets and towels. They can be rented at the ashram if need be. Appartments cannot be locked, so bring a small bag to have your valuables with you.

You can stay in your own campervan or tent if you prefer.

More info on the accomodation

You will be accomodated in holiday appartments. Each appartment has two rooms (a living room and a seperate room), one bathroom and a small kitchen. Each appartment also has doors that open up to the vast nature-area. These appartments are simple, but spacious and comfortable. If you share an appartment, one will stay in the seperate room and one will sleep in the 'living room', and bathroom is shared as well.

Holistic Plant Kitchen will serve your food

Simonne Holm is our chef for the entire retreat. She's a magician in a kitchen and will serve all meals for us. All meals are prepared from fresh organic vegetables and fruits.

She will ensure vibrant and fresh food and snacks all through the day, and I am so happy she has agreed to take care of the kitchen while we are there! This will in itself be a special treat for all of us. See much more on Simonne here

Or follow Simonne on Instagram


Feel free to email me here

How do I sign up?

You can apply for the retreat by emailing me. All applicants will have to go through a light screening procedure, including a brief zoom call with me, to ensure this is suportive for you.

After approval of your aplication, you will receive an invoice (to pay via bank transfer) or a payment link (to pay via creditcard).

You can always email me if you are uncertain or have any questions before you aply. Email me here.

Prior participation in the MSC program is needed

This silent retreat is for those who already do know self-compassion, maybe from the MSC course or similar. Are you uncertain of whether you have the right preparation for this, please reach out to me. Email me here.

Individual support  available?

This program is a group experience. There will be oppertunities to speak to the teacher briefly individually if needed. This will be to help you adjust your self-compassion practice. There is no availability for more individual counseling during the program. Email me here for questions.


If you need a partial scholarship, reach out to me via email. There are a few spots available on most programs for a reduced price. Email me here for questions.

Danish or English?

This program will be conducted in English. As there is minimal talking, the guiding will be primarily in English and with s translation to Danish if needed. Vrads Sande Ashram is an international partner og a Global organization called Heartfulness, and they are used to international visits. Email me here for questions.

Can I get a refund?

All monies paid for the Registration will be refunded in full (less a €80 administrative fee) if a refund request is received 6 weeks or more before the program begins.

If a refund request is received less than 6 weeks before the silent retreat begins is non refundable.

This is not therapy

This program is, like all self-compassion prgrams, designed to teach participants the tools needed to develop and cultivate a mindfulness and self-compassion practice.  It is not a substitute for mental health care, personal therapy or medical treatment.

The program is offered too all who are stable, in good physical and mental health, and who seek to deep their own ressources.
Personal safety and emotional wellbeing are the foundation of self-compassion training and you are primarily responsible for your own safety.
Teachers and facilitators are not expected or able to provide medical and/or psychological care. Course experiences may bring up challenging memories or feelings. You are expected to be able to take care of your own limits as you go through the program.

If you have a history with a mental health condition or other concerns you think may impact your ability to take this course, please contact your healthcare professional to determine if this course is right for you. Your personal contact information may be used in the event the teacher or facilitator reasonably determines a need to call emergency services on your behalf. 

Feel free to reach out to me via email if you are uncertain if this is suitable for you at this point in your life.

Productive participation needed

Participation is at the discretion of the teachers and facilitators at all times.

If, in the opinion of the teachers and facilitators, you are unable to participate productively and appropriately in the course or workshop you have registered for, you may be asked to discontinue.

Decisions of removal are to ensure the safest space possible for our participants and teachers. Please see our refund policy regarding necessary participant removal.

If you wish to use this retreat as a prerequisite for MSC Teacher Training you have to attend all parts of the program live.

Transportation to the venue

Billund Airport is approx 35 km away from Vrads Sande Ashram. The closest trainstation is Silkeborg, or Skanderborg.

It is easiest to get to Vrads Sande by car. From the airport you can take a taxi, or public transport. 


For more information, contact me.  I am happy to help organize transportation from closest airport (35 kms) or closest trainstation (18 km).

Nordic Compassion

Tlf.: 3025 7548
Cvr-nr.: 30761197

Kontaktinformation: Tlf.: 30257548 | email: helle@nordic-compassion.dk